OpenCalls.Space Webinar
Registrations are closed, you can find the presentations through the links below
Welcome to the registration page for the first OpenCalls.Space webinar, about funding calls for the space sector, on 1 July 2021 from 16:00-17:00 CET.
This event is organised by the Netherlands Space Office NSO in collaboration with dotSPACE and is part of a series of webinars on funding calls for the Dutch and European space sector.
This webinar will showcase the new Horizon Europe calls, but also calls from other sources, like the European Development Fund (EDF) and Digital Europe. We have selected calls that are relevant for space technology, space data and space applications organisations.
You can find the presentations of this webinar through the below links:
Presentation Linda van Duijvenbode: HE Agriculture
Presentation Tamme van der Wal: Aerovision
Presentation Taras Matselyukh: OPT/NET BV