Register for SKIES Training and Mentorship Programme
Welcome to the new SKIES Training and Mentorship Programme! On this page you can register for this 6-months programme, aimed at providing you with the best hard and soft skills for your career as a PhD.
The programme starts with a two-day training at the Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship in Rotterdam on 1 and 2 April 2022 (see the programme outline here). This will be followed by several online skills workshops and the assignment of your personal mentor, who will help you answer questions about your best career options in- and outside academia.
The SKIES training will take you through the basics of open science, innovation and entrepreneurship in a two-day intensive course. There will be a focus on transferable skills and career development, and you will have the opportunity to talk with alumni working in various fields.
This programme has been developed by astronomers for astronomers, with expertise support from the Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship and the dotSPACE Foundation.
The course is free of charge, including lunch and dinner, accommodation and a reimbursement for your travel costs. There is a maximum of 30 places in this training. Each participant will get a certificate of attendance at the end of the program.
Please note that students of the SKIES partner universities will have priority access to this programme, but it is open to anyone.
The Leiden-based IAU E-ROAD will develop the training modules, in cooperation with the Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship, Stichting dotSPACE and five astronomy higher education institutes in Germany, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal and South Africa.
By filling out this form you agree to the following conditions:
- You are willing and able to commit at least two hours per month in a 6-months period,
- You are willing and able to report at least three times to the project organisers about your progress,
- You are willing and able to participate in an interview/survey about the SKIES Training and Mentorship Programme.